A tattoo is a big commitment, and not everyone is ready to make it. There are plenty of reasons to be reluctant about getting inked — worrying about how much it might hurt (less than you think!), having trouble deciding on a design you like enough to etch it into your skin permanently (valid!) — but just as many reasons to be excited. Some first-timers find themselves on the fence until coming across a tattoo artist whose work they find irresistible, and the easiest way to do that these days is to go on Instagram (if you have it) and search the name of your city plus the word “tattoo,” e.g., “Nashville tattoo” or “#denvertattooartist.” There will be plenty of great artists, some of whom have tens of thousands of followers eager to work with them.
As tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, the artists behind them have too — meaning you might have to wait until they open their books and begin accepting appointments again. The wait (and cost) will be worth it. In the meantime, here are seven minimalist ideas for your first tattoo.

Want to be in and out of the parlor as quickly as possible? Consider getting a few minimalist dots. They’re especially en vogue on fingers and hands — a highly visible spot with a good chance of fading, yes, but also a subtle one. Some of them almost resemble makeup, with tiny accent marks rather than fully formed designs.

A Plant
Is your house full of snake plants, succulents, and other greenery that makes you feel just a little more connected to nature when you wake up? If so, consider honoring one of your oxygen-providing friends with a simple tattoo. Plants are especially conducive to the kind of thin, delicate line work that’s been especially popular of late, which has the added benefit of being faster and less painful than heavier lines would be.

Your Pet
Whether it’s Fido the pup or Boots the cat, you probably love your pet enough to have art inspired by them on your body. There are a lot of different routes you can go with this one, some more high-commitment than others: a paw print, their heartbeat, an outline of their silhouette, or even just their name. Many people worry about regretting their tattoo, a fear assuaged by this idea — there’s no chance of a bad breakup the way there is with a significant other.

Whether it’s the day your first child was born, a year you don’t want to forget, the coordinates of your favorite place, or something more obscure, there are any number of meaningful things you might want to commemorate with ink and needle. Most of these are small and easily covered up if you’re worried about placement, and a great artist can make something simple look sublime.

Sun, Moon, or Stars
Yes, these are common. Yes, there’s a reason for that — they’re elegant in their simplicity and universally recognizable. Not everyone wants a highly specific design for their first (or any) tattoo, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Different celestial objects are also highly customizable, and good placement (like right above the elbow) can give them a peekaboo effect when you’re wearing a T-shirt.

A Flash
If you really want to get inked by a specific artist and can’t wait for them to open their books for customs, consider getting one of their flashes. These are designs tattoo artists come up with on their own and post on social media for anyone to claim, though you usually have to be quick — artists with large followings tend to have lots of folks ready and waiting for them to do just that. These designs are usually on the smaller side, and often less expensive than having an artist interpret an idea you bring to them.

If there’s a phrase or quote that means more to you than any image you can think of, why not go with that? The right artist can make even a single-word tattoo look uniquely beautiful, whether you go with a simple typeface or something more ornate. Whatever you do, don’t get a mistranslated kanji tattoo.
This article is for general informational purposes only.
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