We’re all guilty of it: buying something that was trendy or looked cute in the store, only to realize it wasn’t quite us or just looked awkward once we’d come to our senses. (I’m talking to you, harem pants.)
If you need help finding pieces that actually work for you, or some guidance defining your own personal style, or overhauling your entire look, the 3-Word Method, developed by New York-based stylist Allison Bornstein, may be just the thing for you.
“I think that a lot of dissatisfaction over consumption comes from not taking the time to understand our style, to look in our closets, to understand what we like and what we want to present to the world,” Bornstein said in her popular TikTok series. Keep reading to learn more about this stylist-approved hack.

What Is the ‘3-Word Method’?
Described as “extraordinary in its effectiveness” by Glamour in 2022, the 3-Word Method is essentially condensing your own personal style — and the style you aspire to — into three words. Your first two words will describe what you already wear and have in your closet, and the third word will be the look you ultimately want to achieve. This makes shopping so much easier. All you have to do is look at a garment and decide if it fits into your “three words”; if it does, it’s much more likely to fit in with the rest of your closet.

How To Find Your First Two Words
Most of us would have a hard time boiling down our entire wardrobe into three words. At first glance, your first two words could just be “dark” and “stretchy.” But Borstein has a method to help us novices come up with more creative words. “First you need to look in your closet and pull out the things that you are wearing all the time, aka ‘the regulars.’ These are your go-to pieces. They’re not necessarily the things you love the most, but they are the things you are constantly grabbing,” Bornstein said on TikTok. “Put them on the bed, put them on a rack, then look at them and ask yourself, ‘How would I describe these pieces? What words would I use to describe the things I'm wearing all the time?’”
Be careful to look only at the clothes you wear and love, not the ones you aspire to wear or wish you’d reach for. “So, let’s say you’re pulling out a lot of jeans and T-shirts. Maybe you would go for words like ‘classic’ or ‘casual,’ or maybe a lot of the jeans and T-shirts are quite baggy, so maybe another word could be ‘oversized,’” Bornstein continued. “Or maybe you’re realizing that you have a ton of flared jeans; maybe your word would be ‘’70s.’ What you’re doing is you’re just looking at the similarities and you are thinking of words to describe what you are wearing all the time.”

Find Your Third Word
Your third word should be the stylish “you” you want to be. So whether it’s a “core” aesthetic — cottagecore, fairycore, even clowncore (you do you) — or simply just ditching the sweatpants and looking pulled-together and chic, find the word that describes the look you aspire to.
“For the third word I want you to picture what your dream style would be. How would you describe that?” Bornstein said. “So for this I think it’s helpful to sometimes look at Pinterest boards, to look at other people’s style that you admire, to look at screenshots that you’ve taken. Then look at all that together and say, ‘How would I describe this?’ The third word is going to help guide you. It’s going to be really helpful when you’re shopping and really helpful when you’re putting together looks.”
When choosing your three words, Borstein encourages you to not overthink it. “I just want to note that these words do not have to go together,” she said. “They actually should be quite dissimilar because that’s what makes an interesting and dynamic style.”
Style Icons for Inspiration
In another video of her TikTok series, Bornstein highlighted a few style icons to demonstrate how the 3-Word Method applies to them. This can help you figure out your words by seeing how she describes popular people.

Jane Birkin
Borstein’s words for Birkin — the inspiration for the iconic handbag — are “simple,” “casual,” and “sexy.” Using a photo of Birkin in a dressed-down, everyday ensemble, Bornstein explained, “It’s simple and casual, she’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but she makes it all her own by having the no-bra, by rolling up the sleeves — there is a sexiness there.”

Kim Kardashian
“Exaggerated,” “fitted,” and “sculptural” are the words Borstein used to describe the ubiquitous Kardashian sister. “I think that some of the exaggeration comes from the shape of her body, but also the way that she plays it up,” she said. “So, if something’s going to be tight, it’s going to be skin-tight, and if something’s going to be oversized, it’s going to be really oversized… The cool thing about Kim is that she sort of reinvents herself and changes her style every once in awhile, and that means that her words can change, too. They’re fluid, not something that is set in stone.”

Jimi Hendrix
The stylist ascribes the words “ornate,” “daring,” and “bohemian” to the rock legend. “A lot of what he wore was embellished, or fringey or printed, and that’s kind of the ornate factor; then the way he put it together was quite daring by mixing prints and by just adding these funky pops of color,” Bornstein said.
If you decide to take your own 3-Word Method journey, Bornstein encourages you to have fun with the process, and not to take the exercise too seriously. “Don't freak out — we don't have to get this tattooed on our chest,” she said. “These words evolve as we do. It’s just sort of a good baseline and a good starting-off point. Also, don’t let the fear of getting it wrong prevent you from accessing this. This is just sort of an exercise to help — there’s no right or wrong answer!” That being said, it’s a pretty smart guide that can save you time and money when finding outfits, and we think that’s pretty major.
This article is for general informational purposes only.
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