Very few things in this world are universal, but the desire for happiness most certainly is. Everybody wants to feel good — and while nobody feels happy 100% of the time, adopting feel-good habits and prioritizing self-care can help support a more positive mindset, even on those occasional not-so-great days. If you’re looking for ways to foster a happier overall mood, keep reading. Ahead, we’re sharing five simple (and science-backed) tips to boost your mood and keep your spirits high.

1. Exercise
There’s a reason the term “runner’s high” exists. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, hormones that attach to your brain’s reward and pleasure centers. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this rush of endorphins can boost your mood, making you feel happier, calmer, and more confident. Exercise can also help alleviate stress by lowering your body’s levels of cortisol (more commonly known as the stress hormone).
Fortunately, you don’t have to be a dedicated marathoner to reap these rewards — almost any moderate activity will do the trick. To help keep your mind and body feeling their best, New York City-based psychologist Dr. Harris Stratyner recommends incorporating “activities you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, into your routine.”

2. Get Outside
Spending time in nature is a great way to boost your mood when you’re feeling off. According to a 2019 study published in Science Advances, contact with nature can support a sense of well-being, reduce stress, elevate your mood, and help spark creativity. It’s also linked with feeling a sense of purpose in life — another one of those universal human desires.
Getting outdoors when the sun is shining is particularly beneficial. According to the Cleveland Clinic, exposure to sunlight can boost your mood by triggering the release of serotonin, one of your body’s many feel-good chemicals. Just remember to wear plenty of SPF when spending time outdoors to help protect your skin from damaging UV rays.

3. Listen to Music
It’s hard not to crack a smile when your favorite song pops up on shuffle, and there’s a reason for that. Research shows that listening to music is one of the best ways to quickly improve your mood. Jamming out to your favorite song triggers the production of dopamine, another feel-good chemical associated with pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. If you tend to get overwhelmed while at work or need help unwinding after a long day, put on your favorite album and dance like nobody’s watching.

4. Spend Time With Friends
Here’s another reason to schedule a weekly girls’ night: Studies show that spending time with close friends can foster a sense of belonging and boost your overall sense of well-being. Friends can also serve as a support system when you’re feeling down or out of sorts, Dr. Stratyner says. It’s important to note that, where friendship is concerned, quality matters far more than quantity — having a few close friends is more beneficial to your well-being than having a large group of casual acquaintances.

5. Watch Something Funny
The phrase “laughter is the best medicine” is admittedly pretty cliché, but it exists for a reason. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughing can help alleviate stress, which may make you feel more at ease and content. In the long term, laughter also helps boost your mood, improves your ability to deal with stressful situations, and even strengthens your immune system (who knew?).
If you’re really feeling down, fake it ’til you make it. As outlined in a 2022 study published in Nature Human Behavior, cracking a smile (even if it’s forced) can measurably boost your mood. So throw on your favorite PJs, queue up a comedy on Netflix, and watch your bad mood melt away.
This article is for general informational purposes only.
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